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Introduce my name is Asri Devi Puspa. I was an employee at one of the Dr. Muwardi Solo Hospital as administrative staff. I was born on August 20, 1983 and had a son who was 5 years old named Laydesta Kenzoo Saputra. For that I used on the call momydev. And for myself was born as the third child of four siblings.
I try to write about some things that widened my experience as a personal note about how to care for pregnancy, parenthood and some other things related to the ins and outs are also problems often faced by pregnant women.
If there are several things wrong with what I write here, I will be grateful if you are willing to remind me or even you want to not give other tips or suggestions that I can write here to share with other readers.
Maybe it’s a little review about me and to contact me, you can contact via the Contact Me.
Regard ..
Asri Devi Puspa
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Artikel kami diproteksi dan dilindungi oleh Kami akan melaporkan segala bentuk pencurian dan plagiat pada artikel diblog ini. Untuk Anda yang ingin kopas, silahkan anda ijin dulu dengan menghubungi kami atau menulis di kolom komentar dibawah ini. Dan jangan lupa untuk menyertakan link sumber..!!
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